Inspiring a Social Media Consultant
Read more: Inspiring a Social Media ConsultantAs a social media consultant, I will be honest: There are just some clients who make it hard for me to do great work for them. These clients are very rare, but they are so exhausting that they usually stick out more than any other clients. Sometimes I feel like screaming, “I JUST WANT TO…
Integrating a Social Media Consultant into Your Team
Read more: Integrating a Social Media Consultant into Your TeamThe way I like to work with a client is fully integrated into the team, almost like an employee but of course not quite. I am a social media consultant after all and there are lines. But I still want to know everything that’s going on or at least how to quickly get the information…
How to Provide Feedback to a Social Media Consultant
Read more: How to Provide Feedback to a Social Media Consultant“I hate this.” This was not the feedback I had expected hear from a client, especially when it comes to work we had agreed on. I took a deep breath and asked as calmly as possible, “What do you hate about it?” There was no use getting emotional about it. That wasn’t going to help…
Mistakes While Managing a Social Media Consultant
Read more: Mistakes While Managing a Social Media ConsultantI’ve seen clients make loads of mistakes while managing social media consultants. I’ve experienced it personally and through stories from other social media consultants. Luckily, I’ve also had many wonderful clients who have gone above and beyond. That has kept me going over the years. But the fact remains that even wonderful clients can make…
Tips for Working with Your First Consultant
Read more: Tips for Working with Your First ConsultantOne time, I had a client contact change and I kept hearing from this new client contact, “You’re my first consultant. I don’t know how to work with you.” I bent over backwards with this client contact to help her and still kept getting that same feedback. So I tried harder. But it was still…
The Importance of Client-Consultant Trust
Read more: The Importance of Client-Consultant TrustI feel like I keep writing about what can destroy trust in the client-consultant relationship. So it struck me that it might be worth talking about the opposite. Who wants to live in the negative anyway? Trust is something that can make the execution of a social media plan absolutely seamless. And the lack of…