Building a Community on Social Media

Building a Community on Social Media

On most social media pages, I see the audience is treated more like people you push information at than anything else. That misses huge opportunities to get your content in front of more people by using more community techniques. And if you aren’t treating your audience like a community, it is very likely social networks will penalize you.

By building a community instead, you get the added bonus of connection. And what can that connection bring? So much! They will be willing to market for you and get your messages out there. And when things go wrong, they will be willing to stand up for you. That is the kind of gold you need in your marketing life.

So how do you go from push marketing to community marketing? Let’s take a look at it.

Promoting an event

If I see one more flyer on social media for an event, I might scream. Ask any social media professional and they will say the same. Stop putting a flyer on social media.

Okay, now that we have gotten that out of the way, let’s talk about how to promote an event with the idea of community in mind.

Creating Opportunities to Talk to Each Other

How do you get a group of individuals to form a community? You give them opportunities to talk to each other. It’s not completely that easy, but it can be the beginning of great things, especially in a newer community.

Look less corporate

You want to look professional. You want to get your logo onto everything you can, get those graphics looking slick and have everything look perfect. That’s understandable. We’ve all been taught that’s the only way. But it’s getting in the way when it comes to social media.

There is so much more that goes into building a community instead of a passive social media audience, but these are all great places to get started. And then let your community lead you to where you need to go next. One of the great parts of community-building is that you are so in touch with that community that you get to go on exciting journeys while still getting your message across. You just get to do it together.

How are you building your community? 


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