What I Am Reading

What I Am Reading 9/13/24

This has been a weird week of preparation, so reading wasn’t at the top of my list.

What are we preparing for? We go to our full fall schedule next week as all of my daughter’s activities are finally in full swing. I’m looking forward to this, but also AGH! ALL THE ACTIVITIES! It’s honestly not as bad as most. I have a strict rule of only one activity a day which we only have to break on Thursdays. We go to the library play group and then a local urban garden to play. It just so happens we love both activities and both are on Thursday. But the rest of the week? We keep it as chill as possible.

Let’s hope it’s a smooth transition next week. In the meantime, let’s check out what I am reading.

Reading Social Media News

If you didn’t know this already, we are in the midst of a big election right now and it is already screwing up social media. It’s going to get worse, because the social networks will want to make sure their butts are covered. Here’s the latest on Meta ad targeting changes from Search Engine Land.

Complete blocks are not the only roadblocks social networks are facing right now. Warning labels are also looking very likely. Although this first plan is looking very, very soft, it is the start of something, so I would start talking to clients and employers now about how numbers should be expected to go down even if you put your best ever campaign out there. Education about what’s going on in the social media world is your best friend right now.

Reading Books, Books and More Books


In a twist of fate, Colored Television by Danzy Senna ended up being my book club’s pick this month. This isn’t great as it means I have to remember this book over the course of a very busy month. Ugh. On top of this, it wasn’t very good. I got excited when I read the first few pages. It was about a mother grappling with her child having a behavioral issue. That was a story I wanted to read. But it abandoned that course quickly. I hated the story, the characters and just about everything else about this novel. I’m really questioning how a book like this got on any kind of best of the year lists. It’s so predictable, and because the ride wasn’t even fun, when the consequences came down, it felt long and drawn out. I seriously wouldn’t pick it up. Score: D-


Because Colored Television was such a slog, I haven’t even cracked the cover of another book yet. And I just received the notification that The Life Impossible by Matt Haig is ready for me to pick it up. I adore Haig, so I have high hopes for this one. That’s not a great place for me to be since it sets impossibly high standards for a book. But I think it might be okay since I read such a bad book before this one. Let’s hope it’s a good one.

What are you reading? What books are you looking forward to?

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