What I Am Reading

What I Am Reading 8/16/24

This has been a weird week. I haven’t been feeling well, so all I’ve wanted to do was curl up with some good reading. But of course I was too tired to really do as much as I would have like.

Kids are going back to school this week as well. It’s the middle of summer. Kids should be out running around and getting skinned knees. It’s just too early for school. I don’t think I will handle this well when my daughter is one of those kids going to school next year. I’ll be doing a lot of yelling, “BACK IN MY DAY!” And then I’ll take her little hand and cry horribly as I drop her off.

But that’s a year off so we don’t have to think about that right now. Let’s get to what I’m reading instead!

Reading My Articles

I have been investing much more time in my writing lately and that work is starting to pay off. This week, you can find me on Motherly writing about making mom friends. I’m painfully awkward, and I definitely leaned into that for this article.

Reading Social Media News

When Gini Dietrich talks about how she runs her business, I listen. I’ve learned more than I could even list out from her. I love this idea of solutions-based pricing, and I think it’s a great article for both consultants and clients to read to get an idea of why our prices are what they are.

Google is testing testing testing. This time it’s back with AI Overviews but with more links! I think we’re getting closer and closer to what this will end up looking like. So take some notes and figure out if your content fits into what Google is currently doing. If not, figure out how to change it.

Reading Books, Books and More Books


I had no idea what I was getting myself into with Soldier Sailor by Claire Kilroy. That was most obvious when I started it and thought it was about a woman who cheats on her husband with someone who seemed like younger coworker. NOPE. It’s about a new mother going through the worst time in her life and trying to figure out what to do with this child she loves with her whole being but would also like to get rid of so she could have her old life back. It’s a bit of a gut punch, because I understand it all. The writing is gorgeous. But I purposely kept myself separate from this book at all times just so I didn’t enter back into that mindset that I had when my daughter was first born. I think a good audience for this would be women who are in early postpartum and their partners. I think it will validate a lot of feelings and let partners in on more of what is going on. But I’m far from this and didn’t really want to go back there. Score: B


Like I said last week, Sugar, Baby by Celine Saintclare is the last of my big book haul. It feels like I may have saved a really good book for last, but I’m still super early into it. It feels super readable, although the story so far feels a bit familiar. But I’m enjoying the ride. We shall see if that lasts or if I will be super disappointed.


I just checked my email and practically yelped. The Briar Club by Kate Quinn is in! So instead of the three random books I had ready to read, I get some most likely good reading instead. Did I like her last book? It was meh, but I think that has a lot to do with the fact that she co-authored it, and I think most books get muddled when that happens. But I have adored some of her other books. I’m really excited to pick this up and dig in!

So what are you reading? What books are you looking forward to?

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