Think Small on Social Media
Read more: Think Small on Social MediaWe are so programmed to constantly think of going bigger that it’s not surprising that we think that way on social media. Chase after bigger influencers, get bigger engagement and more. Makes sense, right? But what if I told you that in most cases it’s better to think small when it comes to social media?…
Building a Community on Social Media
Read more: Building a Community on Social MediaOn most social media pages, I see the audience is treated more like people you push information at than anything else. That misses huge opportunities to get your content in front of more people by using more community techniques. And if you aren’t treating your audience like a community, it is very likely social networks…
Why Timing is Still Important to Social Media
Read more: Why Timing is Still Important to Social MediaWhenever I speak on social media, I always talk about timing. The timing of a post is one of the main factors that determines whether a post will be successful. And still, I see some weird stuff. I’ll see a post at 6 am EST for a page that purports to be a national organization.…
Start Working Towards the End of the Year Now
Read more: Start Working Towards the End of the Year NowEvery year, I see so many organizations enter the end of the year with regret. They didn’t hit their donor numbers. They didn’t hit their marketing goals or some other goal that is super important to their organization. And now they are in a mad rush to do it while every other organization is trying…
How to Build Social Media Relationships
Read more: How to Build Social Media RelationshipsOne of the best social media tactics is to build relationships with people who will do your marketing for you. That would be the dream, right? Having someone else do your job? Ah, if only it were as simple as having someone else do your job. It’s actually loads more difficult than that. You can’t…
Ways to Talk With Your Social Media Audience
Read more: Ways to Talk With Your Social Media AudienceWhenever someone declares, “Organic is dead,” my first thought is always, “Wow, you really can’t get your audience to talk with you.” Because that is almost always the case for anyone who wants to go on about how you can’t get anything organically anymore. Social media didn’t used to be so harsh. It always rewarded…
Stop Being Unhinged on Threads
Read more: Stop Being Unhinged on ThreadsThis has been bothering me for awhile. I’m such a killjoy but the sheer amount of accounts on Threads who have decided that their strategy is to be as “unhinged” as possible is getting insane. I know where it started. I just am surprised at how many accounts duplicated the strategy with very little thought.…
On Moderation and Community Management
Read more: On Moderation and Community Management“I can’t get people to talk.” When someone says that, my spidey senses perk up and I have to stop myself from screaming, “I SPECIALIZE IN COMMUNITY MANAGEMENT.” I wouldn’t say it’s my favorite part of social media. I love the content and connections part of it. But my God, I’m really good at community…
New Facebook Broadcast Channels
Read more: New Facebook Broadcast ChannelsMeta has been teasing this for a very long time, and it is finally here: Facebook Broadcast Channels are now being rolled out to Facebook pages with more than 10,000 followers. Woo hoo! Party down. Time for some fun. Wait. You’re not as excited as I am? Are you sure? Go back and read the…
Highlighting Your Fans
Read more: Highlighting Your FansWhat has been by far the most effective social media marketing tactic I’ve used? That’s simple: Highlighting fans. It’s easy to do. Fans love it. And it’s the content that is most likely to be shared. Basically, it’s a no-brainer. And yet… I’m still seeing it done in a not-so-great way. So let’s buckle up…