What I Am Reading

What I Am Reading 7/19/24

I don’t know how it is in your neck of the woods, but it is hot here. Normally that would bode well for reading, but it’s also a super busy time in my toddler’s social life.

Those last three words would have made me laugh in a past life. But the fact is that I have a social butterfly for a daughter. Whereas I prefer to stay in my little house away from a lot of people, she throws herself full force into the middle of a crowd. It’s sometimes a nightmare for me. But lately, I’ve just been giving in. If there is a playdate invitation, I’m trying to say yes. I just chased down a mom who I got a good vibe from and asked if her toddler would be interested in a playdate. And I’m even getting invites for mom-only events.

On top of all of the educational events I take her too, we are just extremely busy with activities that will ultimately make her happy. And maybe that makes me happy and less lonely as well.

But alas, the books will not wait for anyone so let’s take a look at what I am reading:

Reading Social Media News

There have been lots of little important updates on social networks this week, and I had planned on sharing some of that here this week. And then Meta announced AI generated summaries of comments on posts are being tested. This is huge. It could change how we put together social posts and whether we’re willing to take on some of those important controversial topics. Of all the developments I’ve been watching, this is the one that makes me the most curious.

As a community manager, I was excited to see HubSpot’s focus on community management this week as they released a new tool. I recommend checking out their blog for some great articles, but I liked this one for some practical advice on how to bring the idea of community to your organization.

Reading Books, Books and More Books


Has my run of great books finally come to an end? Did The Garden by Claire Beams break that streak? Well, I wouldn’t say it was a great book, but I did like it. So take that for what it means. It captures the real feelings of desperate women who just want a baby and how things all of a sudden become really gray when you can’t get what you want. The writing was super readable. The story… it had potential and I think it didn’t quite reach the potential it could have. There were different areas it could have entered that I think would have made it stronger. It’s a good read, but not a great read. But at the same time, I can’t even think of who I would recommend this book to, so that’s something to consider as well. The streak may have ended. Score: B


So often when I write this, I have read a page or two of this book. That was certainly the case last week. But I’m heavily into On the Tobacco Coast by Christopher Tilghman in the hopes that I will get it back to the library before its due date. My experience of this book so far is not the greatest. I’ve found a lot of books who have turned this around, but I’m not sure this is one of those books. I’m getting confused by who is who because it doesn’t take a break as it switches points of view. Maybe as I’m more involved, this will resolve itself? Once again, I’m feeling doubtful, but I’ll stick with it to see.


Next up is Ordinary Human Failings by Megan Nolan. This is another book that was on a best of the year list. I know nothing of the author, and I can’t remember what this books is about. What it has in its favor is that, at least in this moment, it will be coming after a not-stellar book. So my expectations are low. Let’s see if it can hop over those expectations.

So what are you reading? What books are you looking forward to?

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