What I Am Reading

What I Am Reading 10/4/24

This has been a week, but I feel like I’m truly back on the reading train.

But October is shaping up to be one of our busiest months yet. We have a wedding and SO MANY Halloween kiddo activities. And those activities start next week, so maybe I need to get her Halloween costume done? Just a thought.

In addition to that, we found out a few weeks ago that the neighborhood fall festival was canceled. Luckily a few of us moms are not the types that will let that happen. We just so happen to have experienced all that this festival has brought to our families and to the neighborhood as a whole, and we wanted it to continue badly. So we volunteered to take it over. It’s going so smoothly, so I’m just sitting here waiting for it to fall apart, like a person with trust issues always does.

So while I wait for that, let’s get to what I’m reading now.

Reading Social Media News

Maybe it’s because I’m head down in other things, but this has felt like a slower week for social media updates. But I do love reading about the reasons why our feeds look the way they do. Instagram’s Adam Mosseri told us all about why there will never be a feed just for who we follow.

A great social media hook can be the difference between getting people to click on your post or having them move on. Buffer takes a deep dive into social media hooks in this article.

Reading Books, Books and More Books


King of the Armadillos by Wendy Chin-Tanner is a great book to read. It doesn’t ask much of you and yet teaches you a bit about what it was like to have Hansen’s disease in the 1950s. It was highly readable with a good story. I don’t even mind that it kind of left me on a cliff where you don’t really know what the main character is truly going to do next, although you have high hopes. What I did mind was its lack of emotional depth. It skimmed the surface of some emotions, but every time those emotions became hard or complicated, it seemed to run from them. If it hadn’t done that, I honestly would have given this book an A. But it did, so… Score: B+


So there is a funny-ish story about Everyone in My Family has Killed Someone by Benjamin Stevenson. King of the Armadillos was supposed to be the second book we read for book club. But the bookstore couldn’t get it in for some reason, so on Saturday, I get a note that the second book is now this book. I ordered it from the library with no hopes of getting it in time and got it Tuesday night. Book club was Wednesday. I didn’t even bother to make any measurable progress on it. Funny thing was that no one else had read it either, so go me for not wasting my time! We decided to table it until next month, which was definitely the best call. This is another highly readable book and I’m loving it at fifty pages in. I really hope that continues.

What are you reading? What books are you looking forward to?

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