What I Am Reading

What I Am Reading 9/20/24

I feel like this was our real back to school week, so it’s a miracle that I got any reading done.

My daughter has been excited to finally get into our real fall schedule with all of her activities in full swing. She ran into the gym at the local rec center a little apprehensive, but then could not stop smiling when she realized she was there to play with her one of her favorite teachers. And then they giggled and ran around together like it hadn’t been months since they had seen each other.

Can I just tell you that it’s absolutely wonderful to have all of these fantastic souls in our neighborhood who are willing to teach toddlers for free? I had no idea so many resources existed until I started looking and realized I could fill up my daughter’s schedule easily with free or low-cost options. And yet, we’re usually one of very few families that take advantage of these programs. But we still go in the hopes more show up.

But anyway, the reading has been especially good this week. I’m excited to tell you all about it.

Reading Social Media News

The theme this week seems to be new new new. There are new ad formats from Meta. YouTube just released new features. So lots of options that you need to check out and experiment with.

I really love this article on what is working for B2B marketing right now from Sword and the Script. Why do I love it so much? There’s nothing earth shattering in it. It underlines that getting back to basics and doing them well is really what will move your brand forward. That is just something we all need to focus on more.

Reading Books, Books and More Books


I didn’t know how much I needed The Life Impossible by Matt Haig until I was feeling called to highlight different parts of it so I could live with them longer. I didn’t do that. It’s a library book, and I had self-control for once. I actually wish this book existed years ago when I was making wall tiles of quotes from my favorite authors to remind myself that I would get through a rough time. But then again I would have gotten lost in all the options in this book. It’s such a life-affirming book with a weird story and language to die for. This is like nothing I have read before and I wish I could live in it forever. Score: A+


Creation Lake by Rachel Kushner is the last in the long list of new books I have requested. I have been on sprees of trying to find the best books of the year, and I don’t have any left. I don’t know if that’s because I just have had no energy over the last month, but the idea of researching the best books of the year right now seems exhausting. So after I get the last few books read (I have some other books by an author I enjoy and a book for book club), I may start dipping into my personal library to give myself a bit of a rest. We’ll just see what the future holds.

What are you reading? What books are you looking forward to?

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