Accepting a Change
Read more: Accepting a ChangeThis week, I announced a slight change to my business with a new standalone writing option. This is one of many changes in my life lately. Some are little (we changed mass times at our church) and some are big (we started a home school curriculum that changed the rhythm of our day). Change can…
What I Am Reading 9/6/24
Read more: What I Am Reading 9/6/24This weekend was overall not a good reading weekend. But thanks to nine hours in the car to drive to my hometown and then another nine hours to get back, I blasted through two books. My daughter was insanely good on the drives and needed minimal support from me since she was so busy playing…
The Choice Between Social Media Consultants and Agencies
Read more: The Choice Between Social Media Consultants and AgenciesSo you’ve decided you need to bring in someone to help with your social media. Now who do you bring in? Should you be looking for social media consultants or agencies? What’s the difference? This is a place companies find themselves in when they’re ready to bring in your help. I’m of course going to…
What Circle Time Can Bring to Your Productivity
Read more: What Circle Time Can Bring to Your ProductivityI bought a fall curriculum for my two year old daughter. Before you say she’s too little, keep in mind that I work from home while also taking care of my daughter. This curriculum gives us educational activities to do three times a week for the next three months. And it also gives me a…
The Quality Social Media Engagement Post
Read more: The Quality Social Media Engagement PostWhen it comes to social media, an engagement post is a smart piece of content to dot into your calendar. The algorithm takes into account past posts when deciding how many people should see your current post. To give that post a boost, especially when it’s something you need people to see, putting an engagement…
What I Am Reading 8/30/24
Read more: What I Am Reading 8/30/24The past two weeks have not been good for reading. It started a week ago Monday when my daughter woke up with a fever. She’s a toddler. These things happen. So I prioritized her when she was awake and completed work while she slept. That worked well on Monday and Tuesday. But then I woke…
Signs You Need a Social Media Consultant
Read more: Signs You Need a Social Media ConsultantFiguring out when it’s time to bring in an expert can be difficult, especially when you’re talking about a social media consultant. Do you have the budget? Is it worth spending that budget with a consultant? Might it make a bigger difference somewhere else? To be honest, those are questions only you can answer. I…
Think Small on Social Media
Read more: Think Small on Social MediaWe are so programmed to constantly think of going bigger that it’s not surprising that we think that way on social media. Chase after bigger influencers, get bigger engagement and more. Makes sense, right? But what if I told you that in most cases it’s better to think small when it comes to social media?…
Building a Community on Social Media
Read more: Building a Community on Social MediaOn most social media pages, I see the audience is treated more like people you push information at than anything else. That misses huge opportunities to get your content in front of more people by using more community techniques. And if you aren’t treating your audience like a community, it is very likely social networks…
How to Manage Multiple Clients
Read more: How to Manage Multiple ClientsYou’ve done it. You finally have multiple clients with competing interests to juggle. You’ve been working toward this. Maybe it’s the first time you’ve ever had to do this. So you’re next question is: What do I do now? I’ve been there. I know my first time doing this on my own was rough, but…