Why Should a Client Stay Up-to-Date on Social Media?
Read more: Why Should a Client Stay Up-to-Date on Social Media?I’ve heard more than once. “I pay you to keep up-to-date on social media. I don’t need to know any of this.” I’ll be honest: It’s one of my least favorite things to hear from a client. And any time I do hear it, I know it’s likely that this person will not remain a…
The Mental Load of Going Viral
Read more: The Mental Load of Going ViralLike I said yesterday, I went viral on Threads by having a story that people really related to. That sounds like living the dream. In reality, it can create an unexpected mental load that you probably don’t want to deal with. So what do you do when you’re feeling pressed and stressed? Using tools from…
What I Learned From Going Viral on Threads
Read more: What I Learned From Going Viral on ThreadsLast week I was harassed by a guy at the gym. Because I have trouble recalling details after events like that, I made the decision to film my story and post it to Instagram. And then it seemed right to also write it out to cement the details, so I posted it on Threads. The…
What I Am Reading 9/27/24
Read more: What I Am Reading 9/27/24This has been a weird week. So reading has once again not been my top priority. On Monday, I went to the gym and pulled up my workout on my phone like usual. A guy decided he didn’t like my workout and tapped me on the shoulder to tell me it was silly and lots…
Why You Need to Give a Budget
Read more: Why You Need to Give a BudgetI was in the middle of a negotiation with a current client to get more work. They gave me no budget but did tell me a little bit about the amount of work they would like me to do. But just a little bit. So I thought through what it seemed like they were actually…
Somebody Hates Me on Social Media. Now What?
Read more: Somebody Hates Me on Social Media. Now What?This happens time and time again to me: Someone decides to voice how much they hate what I had to say or what I posted for a client on social media. Sometimes it happens in a mild way and it’s not too much to shrug off. Sometimes they go for the jugular and I have…
What I Am Reading 9/20/24
Read more: What I Am Reading 9/20/24I feel like this was our real back to school week, so it’s a miracle that I got any reading done. My daughter has been excited to finally get into our real fall schedule with all of her activities in full swing. She ran into the gym at the local rec center a little apprehensive,…
Red Flags in a Social Media Consultant
Read more: Red Flags in a Social Media ConsultantWhen you’re working with a social media consultant, you obviously want them to care about their work. But I’ve seen consultants get downright hostile when it comes to the client because they have fully entwined their self-worth in their work. That is bad. That is so far beyond bad that they can’t even see the…
The Followers Tag on Facebook
Read more: The Followers Tag on FacebookBased on my notifications, a lot of you have figured out that if you tag @followers on Facebook, your fans will get a notification that you posted. A LOT OF YOU HAVE FIGURED THIS FOLLOWERS TAG OUT. I’ll be honest: I’m not paying attention to these notifications anymore. It’s annoying to get tagged in posts…
How to Personalize the Client Experience
Read more: How to Personalize the Client ExperienceSo many agencies have a set way of doing things and can’t adapt when a client needs their experience personalized. That’s one of the great things about those of us who work solo: We have the flexibility to create more personalization. Does this mean we bend over backwards and do whatever the client wants? Heck…