Tag: social media

  • What I Am Reading 11/1/24

    What I Am Reading 11/1/24

    I feel like time is just trucking on faster and faster. It’s a wonder that I’m reading anything at this point. So many plans and looking forward to the future. And then suddenly, the future is here, and it feels like I can’t even enjoy it. It’s just more plans and more futures to look…

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  • Mistakes While Managing a Social Media Consultant

    Mistakes While Managing a Social Media Consultant

    I’ve seen clients make loads of mistakes while managing social media consultants. I’ve experienced it personally and through stories from other social media consultants. Luckily, I’ve also had many wonderful clients who have gone above and beyond. That has kept me going over the years. But the fact remains that even wonderful clients can make…

    Read more: Mistakes While Managing a Social Media Consultant
  • On Prioritizing and Feelings

    On Prioritizing and Feelings

    I am overwhelmed. Our family’s schedule is out of control with October activities. My daughter has her lessons three days a week, as well as her regular activities. I took on helping to organize a neighborhood festival. And it feels like there are a million other things in addition to my usual work tasks. To…

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  • Talking at Fans Versus Talking with Fans

    Talking at Fans Versus Talking with Fans

    Fans are your greatest asset. They’ve chosen to follow you? That’s amazing. Whether they want to be passive or active fans, the choice to become a fan is a huge honor. And yet I see so many pages not treating it as an honor and instead, treating their fans as people they can use. It’s…

    Read more: Talking at Fans Versus Talking with Fans
  • What I Am Reading 10/25/24

    What I Am Reading 10/25/24

    It’s been a week and yet I’m still reading. My daughter caught a stomach bug. You have not lived until your daughter projectile vomits all over her dinner and herself. Especially when this is only the third time in her life she has vomited and she definitely doesn’t remember the other two. Thankfully, we were…

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  • How Often Should You Get Reports

    How Often Should You Get Reports

    When you’re working with a consultant, you use your reports to make sure that they are on task and getting the numbers you expect. They allow you to get to know what’s going on without having to constantly be on the social media accounts and fill in the gaps about whether you are co-creating the…

    Read more: How Often Should You Get Reports
  • What I Am Reading 10/18/24

    What I Am Reading 10/18/24

    Last week sidelined me. Between traveling and a migraine, work and reading took a backseat while I recuperated. And taking that time was smart. This week, I was more than ready to come back. I was able to get everything done that I just wasn’t able to look at last week. And I’m doing it…

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  • My Biggest Consultant Pet Peeves

    My Biggest Consultant Pet Peeves

    I’m a consultant, so of course I have pet peeves when it comes to what other consultants do. That just goes without saying. We all do things differently, and what I see as a problem, a consultant may have experience with it working. So mostly I keep my mouth shut when it comes to what…

    Read more: My Biggest Consultant Pet Peeves
  • Getting Started Again

    Getting Started Again

    Last week was a lot. I had a multi-day migraine. My family was traveling for a wedding. And I was dealing with an extended family emergency. This was all in addition to my regular work and personal duties. There was no way I could even think about getting started on work for my business. Not…

    Read more: Getting Started Again
  • How to Stay Curious as a Business Owner

    How to Stay Curious as a Business Owner

    It’s so easy as a business owner to stick with the tried and trues. When your money is involved, you want to make sure you’re using it effectively and are guaranteed some kind of return on the investment. The problem is that big things only happen when you’re curious and coloring outside of the lines.…

    Read more: How to Stay Curious as a Business Owner