Social Media Client Questionnaire: Why I Ask What You Love
Read more: Social Media Client Questionnaire: Why I Ask What You LoveWhenever someone hires my company for social media consulting, the first thing that happens is they are given a social media client questionnaire to fill out. It’s easy to guess at what some of my questions are, but there are probably a few that would surprise you. And yes, as you can tell by the…
What I Am Reading
Read more: What I Am ReadingOne of the things I’m most known for is probably my ridiculous reading habit. It has slowed down some, but I still try to read every second I can and now I share that love of words with my daughter. I firmly believe that anyone who partakes in social media should have some kind of…
Why My Clients Don’t Celebrate Made-Up Holidays
Read more: Why My Clients Don’t Celebrate Made-Up HolidaysThis is something that regularly comes up in the course of a social media client relationship. Whether it’s Talk Like a Pirate Day or Call a Friend Day or some other made-up holiday, a client will say, “What do you think?” My eyes get big and I turn into a fire-breathing beast. Haha not really.…
The Magic of the Everyday Story
Read more: The Magic of the Everyday StoryThe everyday story is usually discounted, and it’s obvious why. There’s nothing quite like watching someone overcome a huge obstacle and make a big win in the end. Movies, books, podcasts… They all use this story for a reason: We want to root for the underdog and see them do something incredible. Here’s the thing:…
How to be a Great Social Media Client
Read more: How to be a Great Social Media ClientI’m settled into my trusty recliner with a cup of coffee. The dogs are down in their home in the basement, which we affectionately call “Hell.” The cat is sleepily looking out the window while cuddled up on his cat tree. And the baby… she’s cooing to herself as she decides whether she is awake…