How to Do Social Video with Little to No Work
Read more: How to Do Social Video with Little to No WorkFirst off, I want to make it clear: Great social video takes work. It takes a lot of time and effort. But not many of us have the time to be great. It sounds terrible to say, but it’s just a fact. And unfortunately, video is getting to more feeds than anything else, so it’s…
Why More Followers Should Never Be Your Goal
Read more: Why More Followers Should Never Be Your GoalAs I’m rebuilding my business after my maternity leave, I often look at ads for social media consultants. Too often in those ads there is the same statement: “Must get X followers by the end of the year,” and every time I shudder. These people are just asking to be scammed. But worse is that…
How to Work When You’re Emotional
Read more: How to Work When You’re EmotionalI’m admittedly a person with big feelings. You might even go so far as to say I’m an empath. I take a lot in, which can be a total asset. It makes me actually feel what our social media communities feel. However, it means that I can also get emotional. Sometimes about random things. If…
The Perfectionism Problem on Social Media
Read more: The Perfectionism Problem on Social MediaWe have heard so many times about how the perfectionism on social media is harming our mental health. It’s to the point that people are getting plastic surgery to look like Instagram filters. It’s a serious problem and there is thankfully a movement to combat it with the realities of their life, and I frankly…
Just Say No to Extra Twitter Characters
Read more: Just Say No to Extra Twitter CharactersElon Musk is throwing the book at Twitter Blue to try to get people to purchase it. The latest? A whole 4,000 Twitter characters if you become a subscriber. Four. Thousand. Characters. For someone who likes to write long form and not be constrained by these character limits, it’s probably enticing. But this is in…
Why AI Still Needs a Personal Touch on Social Media
Read more: Why AI Still Needs a Personal Touch on Social MediaAI has been on the top of everyone’s list lately. It’s creating waves that will rock so many industries. Whether that will create more work or less remains to be seen, but it will definitely change the way we work. But what about social media? I think some content marketers have been quaking in their…
My Weekly Results 2/8/23
Read more: My Weekly Results 2/8/23I’ve been spending this last week working behind the scenes, so even though you might not have seen any changes, there were several. So what were the results of those changes? Let’s take a look. Goal: Keep Doing What I Am Doing This is a deceptive goal, since I was putting the processes in place…
How to Work in Social Media and Maintain Your Mental Health
Read more: How to Work in Social Media and Maintain Your Mental HealthI’m the first to say working in social media can be an absolute drain on your mental health. Those social media breaks others get to take to clear their head? Not an option. Choosing what and how you consume content? Not completely in your control. But it doesn’t have to totally break you. There can…
Why I Hate Social Media Takeovers
Read more: Why I Hate Social Media TakeoversI opened up Facebook, and on the very top, there it was: another brand attempting a social media takeover, and it was going spectacularly poorly. Misspelled words, bad grammar and a person who couldn’t have been more bored if she had tried. I couldn’t stop looking and not for any of the right reasons. Here’s…
My Weekly Results
Read more: My Weekly ResultsI’ve never done this before and it kind of scares me to share the results of my promoting my business, but I think it’s going to be a fun adventure and you will get a look into what gets me super excited. Goal: Get Benchmark Results from a Week of Blogging Yes, my first comeback…