Category: Reading

  • What I Am Reading 9/13/24

    What I Am Reading 9/13/24

    This has been a weird week of preparation, so reading wasn’t at the top of my list. What are we preparing for? We go to our full fall schedule next week as all of my daughter’s activities are finally in full swing. I’m looking forward to this, but also AGH! ALL THE ACTIVITIES! It’s honestly…

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  • What I Am Reading 9/6/24

    What I Am Reading 9/6/24

    This weekend was overall not a good reading weekend. But thanks to nine hours in the car to drive to my hometown and then another nine hours to get back, I blasted through two books. My daughter was insanely good on the drives and needed minimal support from me since she was so busy playing…

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  • What I Am Reading 8/30/24

    What I Am Reading 8/30/24

    The past two weeks have not been good for reading. It started a week ago Monday when my daughter woke up with a fever. She’s a toddler. These things happen. So I prioritized her when she was awake and completed work while she slept. That worked well on Monday and Tuesday. But then I woke…

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  • What I Am Reading 8/16/24

    What I Am Reading 8/16/24

    This has been a weird week. I haven’t been feeling well, so all I’ve wanted to do was curl up with some good reading. But of course I was too tired to really do as much as I would have like. Kids are going back to school this week as well. It’s the middle of…

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  • What I Am Reading 8/9/24

    What I Am Reading 8/9/24

    This was book club week, which is always a chaotic week of me trying to read two books in one week so everything is fresh in my mind for the meet up. That means I chose reading over housework. No regrets on that at all, as I scramble to get caught up on everything I…

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  • What I Am Reading 8/2/24

    What I Am Reading 8/2/24

    Next week is bookclub week, which means that I throw away that lazy way I have been reading and go all-in on manic reading. This is particularly fun with a toddler who is in feral mode. If there’s chance for a mess, she’s gonna take it. If there is an opportunity to push my buttons,…

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  • What I Am Reading 7/26/24

    What I Am Reading 7/26/24

    We’re in the heart of summer, but it somehow feels like summer is ending. I’m making all of these plans for fall and trying to get in every last activity. Despite all of this, I’ve been in an excellent rhythm with my reading. I’m not overdoing it in a rush for once, and it feels…

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  • What I Am Reading 7/19/24

    What I Am Reading 7/19/24

    I don’t know how it is in your neck of the woods, but it is hot here. Normally that would bode well for reading, but it’s also a super busy time in my toddler’s social life. Those last three words would have made me laugh in a past life. But the fact is that I…

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  • What I Am Reading 7/12/24

    What I Am Reading 7/12/24

    This has been a WEEK. I entertained my dad and his wife for the four days they were here. I threw my daughter a second birthday party of her dreams. Somehow I got her birthday dress made even though I started it on Friday. And on top of all this, my daughter started sleeping on…

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  • What I Am Reading 7/5/24

    What I Am Reading 7/5/24

    We are heading into a holiday weekend which normally means I take every chance to escape into whatever book I’m reading. Except my daughter’s second birthday weekend is also here! I have two books to read by Wednesday for book club, so obviously my planning skills for reading are still stellar. But I’ll get there…

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