Category: Reading

  • What I Am Reading 6/21/24

    What I Am Reading 6/21/24

    Is it just me or are these weeks feeling shorter and shorter? I have so much on my schedule right now and it seems like there is less and less time to do it. Maybe it was going away for the weekend or maybe it is the feral toddler who is running circles around me.…

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  • What I Am Reading 6/14/24

    What I Am Reading 6/14/24

    It’s been a much slower week for reading in my house. I’ve been sick and we just have been super busy as a family. Somehow I thought summer would be slower for our family since so many of my daughter’s activities were on break. Instead it’s been choosing between multiple activities going on at the…

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  • What I Am Reading 6/7/24

    What I Am Reading 6/7/24

    I frankly made some mistakes with reading this week. I once again had too many pages to read and not enough time to get them done. This is not a new problem and I will definitely do it again. I also had read some phenomenal books last week and followed them up with some mediocre…

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  • What I Am Reading 5/31/24

    What I Am Reading 5/31/24

    This has been a short week after a long weekend. I don’t know how the weather was in your neck of the wood, but there was quite a bit of rain during my long weekend. That meant lots of great reading time, and the books were SO. GOOD. I’m still making my way through too…

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  • What I Am Reading 5/24/24

    What I Am Reading 5/24/24

    The weather is getting warmer and warmer here, so I’ve been spending a little more time in the air conditioning with a good book. What happened to mild weather? I feel like I missed it somehow. I always have dreams of lounging in my backyard while working or reading, but the weather is never quite…

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  • What I Am Reading 5/17/24

    What I Am Reading 5/17/24

    I have a real problem. I get close to not having anything to read and then I look up articles featuring the must-read books. My fingers magically make loads of library requests, and I’m happy, thinking that none of them will come in for awhile. But then they all come in at the same time.…

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  • What I Am Reading 2/25/23

    What I Am Reading 2/25/23

    Yes, this post is a day late. I would like to thank my daughter who got sick all over my laptop a couple of days ago, and yup… That means I am currently writing this on a new shiny laptop while the fate of my old one is being decided. I would also like to…

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  • What I Am Reading 2/17/23

    What I Am Reading 2/17/23

    It has been a week for me of illness and trying to muddle through. I think we all have these weeks. Unfortunately, it significantly shortened the amount of time I had for reading (there’s nothing like a snuggly baby who wants to ninja kick your book away). But I did get some in. Reading Social…

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  • What I Am Reading 2/10/23

    What I Am Reading 2/10/23

    From story time to work time, reading is just a constant for me. Let’s take a look at what has been a hit for me lately. Reading Social Media News I have been talking with friends about AI a lot, both in how it can help and how it will be misused. So this week…

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  • What I Am Reading 2/3/23

    What I Am Reading 2/3/23

    This was my favorite kind of week where reading was front and center. I met up with my book club to discuss a book. I bought a new book for my daughter, and her monthly Dolly Parton book arrived. And we picked up new books at the library when we stopped in for playtime. Our…

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